
About Me


Welcome to My New WEBSITE where I can Eat, Drink & Be KARI
My favorite place is the Kitchen. Anyone else feel the same? It's my Happy Place....where I can escape to, if just for a few precious moments, and create, dream & explore. It's my "ME" time. A place that just makes SENSE to me. Ya know?!?!?!? Not everyone can walk into the Kitchen and feel excited and creative....some people just simply dread it. That's where I hope to help. As a Stay at Home Mom of 2 crazy kids, I create some recipes that are super easy, fast, and kid-friendly. Ones that you can just pop out quick on a weeknight. For my Fancy Entertaining Friends, I've also got the goods for you! I love to entertain...Fancy and sometimes Fake-Out Fancy (aka Kid Friendly). From small bites to huge house smoked pork butts, this girls gotcha covered! And don't forget the Cocktails. I'm also a avid fan of Prosecco and Vodka and adding herbs to simple drinks for a fun twist. I'm a HUGE proponent of USE WHATCHA GOT and GROW IT YOURSELF!!! Use Organic, Non GMO, Local, etc whenever possible.


I am NOT A CHEF!!!
I have NEVER taken a cooking class, gone to culinary school, or had any formal training (although, I would love to!!!!)
*Another Small Disclaimer*
I have NEVER taken a photography class, gone to photography school, or had any formal training.
(although, I would love to!!!!)
So, PLEASE bear with me….what you see is what you get. I will be attempting to share recipes and take some pictures to show the steps to follow along. They may not all be perfect. Please be kind and considerate in your comments! :-)
All food can be made better, therefore, all cooks can be made better. Right?
I love to use herbs & spices. I will try and show you that a pinch of this can do wonders.
Or just a DASH.
Food needs to have a beginning, middle, and end…and a few embellishments along the way never hurt anyone!
All your dishes should tell a STORY.
presentation, Presentation, PRESENTATION!!!
You want the delicious factor as well as the WOW factor.
You want to leave your MARK.
I love to eat, I love to drink, I love to garden and I love my family…..therefore, I ALWAYS try to buy local and organic.
I might not always put “organic” or “natural” or “farm-raised” or “my girls’ eggs”…..but, you can ALWAYS assume that if I have the option, that is what I am going to be using. Eat for your health and respect our planet while doing so. I will also be composting and recycling. Do you???
From Good Eats, to Gardening, to Entertaining, to OverIndulging.
From Deep Thoughts (prob not so much….), to my Kids (prob more often!!!!)

This is what you will get.
I will prove,
~ All you need is a Dash and a Story, and you can leave your Mark ~

*btw, my kids names are Dash and Story and my husbands name is Mark.
~~wink, wink~~